Sunday, October 18, 2009

chaos and creation

Right now my new studio is in upheaval.  After I painstakingly painted the doors hot pink (three coats, and ironically I am a terrible painter), then painted the walls and shelving a bright white, I decided to go all out and get some renovation help.  As you can see in the photo, Gene is constructing a storage area for me so that I can put away a lot of my studio junk.  I am heavily influenced by whatever I see, so I like my vista to be a clean slate, no distracting visuals.  At least that is what I thought...

Ironically, in the midst of all this chaos, my painting is going really well.  I have three pieces on the go right now and each one of them is at the stage I would call "getting there", some parts of the painting are really nice, and I can start to visualize the finished painting. Although I am surrounded by mess, I am able to put on the i-pod and just focus on painting.  Perhaps my idealized vision of a clean studio is just impossible.  To begin with I am by nature untidy, then my painting methods generously contribute paint drips and multiple scraps of paper and since I enjoy working on a number of things at once, I tend to spread out throughout the room.  All of this process equals a continually chaotic studio.

I imagine that things would be better if my surroundings were perfectly tidy.  But after years of being unable to attain this zen state of perfection perhaps I should just give up and stop worrying.  Does it really matter if my surroundings are pristine?  I usually focus on the painting for weeks and then when the trash gets ankle deep, I swoop around manically and clean up.  If I spend too much time tidying, I'm usually procrastinating about painting.  But right now, when the painting is going well, I can hardly wait to get into the studio and I don't care if the walls are crumbling or in this case rising around me.


  1. More painting, less tidying! You can always get your husband to clean things up.

  2. You need a studio troll to help you clean!

    I think if you can be creative in chaos, you can be creative anywhere! its better to be able to work in mess because then you can get more work done!

    I really like that middle one, the flowers in the corner seem slightly murakami-inspired no? but i'd love to see a better photo of the polka dot painting!

  3. Studio trolls, the choice of medieval artists everywhere. And the modern choice is clearly husbands.
    I interpret the main message of your comments as paint and ignore all else. Which I will do.
