Friday, January 7, 2011

I like talking about art

Julia Clark, from her blog. In real life she looks less surprised!
Two days ago, Julia Clark came into my studio for a chat about my art and process. She is an art educator and an art lover, and she does her part for the art community by promoting artists on her blog. This month, Julia is featuring me as her artist of the month on her blog, The Fictional Me.

I really enjoyed the chance to talk to Julia about art, she's full of enthusiasm and excitement about art. Whenever I talk about my art, I get more ideas. Julia told me this amazing story about how she rescued these huge maps from the elementary school she was working at, and how she has an idea for a large collaborative project in the future. It would be a chance for different artists to work together and also to raise money for charity. I got very excited about the idea of working on maps, since I use maps in my regular art practice. If Julia gets this project organized, she said she'd love to include me, hooray!

And back to January's topic, as Julia went around the studio, she kept looking at the all the bright colours of my work and saying, "This work just makes me happy!".  And that made me very happy as well!


  1. Yes...happiness all round. Thanks for taking the time to talk, enjoyed it.

  2. I like maps too! Hope the project gets the green light.
